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Water conditioner and mucous membrane protection. JBL Biotopol converts tap water immediately and permanently into biotopically suitable aquarium water. When I do my weekly water change I use a water conditioner for fish, my question is could I use biotopol C which caters for shrimps needs for.
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JBL Biotopol - 250 ml Water conditioner with 6-fold effects. Aquili Water conditioner 250 ml (), markt. de (11472575). 17 Nov. 2013 Aquili Water conditioner 250 ml, () - kostenlose Anzeige bei markt. de - neue und gebrauchte JBL Nano-Biotopol Betta Wasseraufbereiter.
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Professional water conditioning in nano aquariums with JBL NanoBiotopol. In nano aquariums prawns, dwarf crayfish and mini fish need JBL Nano Biotopol. JBL Biotopol - 250 ml Water conditioner with 6-fold effects 4014162230027, aquadiskont zoodiskont - Der Onlineshop fur Zoobedarf und Aquaristikbedarf. 358250 AquaticsWater CareWater ConditionersJBL.