Dienstag, 1. April 2014

Telonema subtilis

Telonema • knowledger. de. Fine Structure of Telonema subtilis Griessmann 1913 A Flagellate. Telonema, Fundstellen im Internet, cyclopaedia. net.

Telonemia - wassssup. com. Blast Search against All nt+env_nt+patnt+pdbnt on 06-APR-10.

Telonema ist Klasse einzelne zellige Organismen, die eine Art umfassen. Andere Quellen beschreiben Telonema subtilis und Telonema antarcticum. Species. Telonema antarctica Thomsen 1992. Telonema subtile Griessmann 1913 (synonym Telonema subtilis Griessmann, 1913). Complete cds 85.7 3e-13 emb, X63568.1, H. americanus mRNA for cysteine proteinase preproenzyme 85.7 3e-13 emb, FN392456.1, Telonema subtilis partial.

RCC references, Roscoff Culture Collection

Fine Structure of Telonema subtilis Griessmann, 1913: A Flagellate with a Unique Cytoskeletal Structure Among Eukaryotes. AuthorCreator: Yabuki, A. Eikrem. Telonemia. Telonema subtile Griessmann 1913 (synonym Telonema subtilis Griessmann, 1913 References: 2 External links: http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih.

GBR1769 - GABI Primary Database ( GabiPD ) - Genomanalyse im

Why Telonema • T. anta - Yumpu. The Molecular Diversity of Freshwater Picoeukaryotes Reveals High. 11 Jun 2008 Conceived and designed the experiments: TS. Performed the experiments: EL BR. Analyzed the data: TS EL. Contributed.

Telonemia - YOURNA. com - find anything for your needs. HS18O15 - GABI Primary Database ( GabiPD ) - Genomanalyse im.

Biovolumes and Size-Classes of Phytoplankton in the Baltic - ePIC.

Lib name: IPKc 2030. tissue: embryo + scutellum. stage/tissue: 0-16 hours after imbibition. cloning vector: pBluescript SK+ site_1: EcoRI (5'-end of cDNA). site_2. Why Telonema • T. anta T. antarctica vs T. subtilis • T. antarctica is: – longer: 7-13 µm. – has longer flagella (more than 2x cell. 1 49 HD fac.=0.5. Chaetoceros subtilis v. subtilis Cleve 1896. A oval cylinder. 1 cell: 2.4x4.5. 4.5 Telonema subtile. Griessmann 1913. H cone + half sphere.