Household income - Deutsch-Ubersetzung – Linguee Worterbuch. Dict. cc Worterbuch: household income: Deutsch-Englisch. Household wealth and finances in Germany - Deutsche Bundesbank.
Social & society - Income, receipts, expenditure - Income, receipts. DIW Berlin: Income Growth in German Households: East Germany.

Viele ubersetzte Beispielsatze mit "household income" – Deutsch-Englisch Worterbuch und Suchmaschine fur Millionen von Deutsch-Ubersetzungen. Results on income, receipts and expenditure of households are available from different surveys – the sample survey of income and expenditure (EVS) and the. Following the enormous growth in household incomes in the former EastGermany during the first half of the 1990s (which was based, in particular, on meteoric.
"Household income" auf Deutsch - Bab. la
Englisch-Deutsch-Ubersetzung fur household income im Online-Worterbuch dict. cc (Deutschworterbuch). The wealth of an “average” household (median wealth) appears to be employed households – including those with low income – which have to make their.
Household income - Englisch - Deutsch Worterbuch - leo. org
6.1 Household Income - SHARE. Securing Household Income among Small-scale Farmers in. Henriette Dose. Securing Household Income among Small-scale Farmers in Kakamega District: Possibilities and Limitations of Diversification. GIGA Working.
What determines household income of ethnic minorities in North. DIW Berlin: Measuring Income in Household Panel Surveys for.
Minimum Net Household Income [ Variable: soep-corexp.
SOEPpapers. 265 Measuring Income in Household Panel Surveys for Germany: A Comparison of EU-SILC and SOEP Joachim R. Frick, Kristina Krell 2010. 42 S. Socio-Economic Status. 6.1 Household Income. Omar Paccagnella and Guglielmo Weber. Why Is Income Important Income is by no means the only way to. Minimum Net Household Income [variable: xp12201]. Statistics plc0008 Minimum Net Household Income [plc0008] Variable in study: soep-long, dataset: pl.