Glas mit einstellbarer Lichtdurchlassigkeit, heise online. Heliotrope - Rolf Disch. Green City Freiburg Regional Cluster: The Heliotrope - Rolf Disch.
Three Start-ups Awarded At Saint-Gobain NOVA Innovation. Nanosolar, LinkedIn.

17. Sept. 2013 Das am Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory ansassige Start-up Heliotrope Technologies hat eine kostengunstige Glasmischung entwickelt. 16 Nov 2012 Heliotrope's technology can be relevant to a range of windows products, including buildings, satellites and automobiles. The company is. Dhananjay Ramaswamy: Business & Systems Analyst. ivano gregoratto · ivano gregoratto: Director of Coating Operations at Heliotrope Technologies, Inc.
Rolf Disch - Past Projects
The rotatable solar house HELIOTROP® is not only a residential or studio building reflecting an All parts are industrially manufactured with CNC technologies. The prototype in Freiburg is experimental building, with which many technologies were tested and developed for the market. The Heliotrope unifies the optimum.
Global Smart Glass Market 2014-2018: Key Vendors are AGC Group. Plusenergiehaus - Vortrage Buro Disch. April 2015, Efringen-Kirchen Gewerbeverein Efringen-Kirchen „Plusenergie - Projekte“ 9. Dezember 2014, Luxemburg Forum da Vinci Luxemburg „ Plusenergie.
Heliotrope - Polish translation – Linguee. Guillermos Profil - Airbnb.

Joby Hickey Heliotropes - G11 Galerie Berlin.
I am the CTO and Co-Founder of Heliotrope Technologies, a bay-area start up focusing on developing the next generation smart window coatings. 19 Sept. 2014 The report provides data based on technology and application of smart glass. GlasNovations. Heliotrope Technologies. Hitachi Chemicals. The optical and light-based technology from which the. [] Heliotrope was born connects it conceptually to another groundbreaking [] invention with important.