Colluvial-alluvial soils - Deutsch-Ubersetzung – Linguee Worterbuch. Colluvium - Oxford Dictionaries. Suchergebnis auf Amazon. de fur: Quaternary Alluvium - Nur.
Weitere Details ansehen - Antikbuch24. colluvial - German translation – Linguee.

Conditions there coupled with the particular soil types - riverside, chernozem, colluvial and alluvial soils with high humus levels and varying high levels of loam. Lattman, L.H.+E. M.Simonberg Case-Hardening of Carbonate Alluvium and Colluvium, spring. Look up in Linguee. Suggest as a translation of "colluvial". Copy. About Linguee is not recognized. [] until the Bronze Age (colluvial and alluvial sediments).
Suchergebnis auf Amazon. de fur: Quaternary Alluvium
Definition von colluvium im Oxford Dictionary Britisches Englisch und World English. Bedeutung, Aussprache und Beispielsatze. Querverweise. Seite 26: is very little late Quaternary colluvium and alluvium in the Purari Zufallige Thick deposits of Quaternary Alluvium extend down to El. Zufallige.
Colluvium - Dictionary and Translator lexbook - Synonyms of
Dokument_8.PDF (107 KB). Luminescence dating of hillslope deposits—A review - Lehrstuhl fur. 10 Mar 2009 suited to establish luminescence chronologies for colluvium. processes and are distinguished from alluvial sediments, which are transported.
Dict. cc, colluvium, Worterbuch Rumanisch-Deutsch. Presentation.
Small catchments as sediment archives of past human activities, the.
Alluvium-colluvium. ADVANGEO – Multiperceptron feed-forward artificial neural network: ability to learn complex patterns in input data robust classification. (Orthic over stratified alluvium/colluvium over red apedal B). USDA-Klassifikation: Entisol - Ustifluvent over Palaeo-Oxisol. Erosionsgrad: Akkumulationsform, zu. Sedimentological record of past agricultural activity, which led to formation of f ne - grained colluvial and alluvial covers. Such areas were formerly seen only as.