Www. stattools. de - SiSSy [20120730] - johannjacoby. de. Re: simple slope Analyse - STATISTIK-FORUM. de - Hilfe und Beratung. Sitzungen Methoden. ppt.
Statistik und Methoden - psytues jimdo page!. Suchergebnis auf Amazon. de fur: Simple Slopes - Gesundheit, Geist.

A tool generating simple slopes syntax for SPSS for regression analysis. SPSS-Output der Regressionsanalyse mit simple slope test. Um den Moderatoreffekt der Variable "Ambivalenz bei der Arbeit" zu untersuchen, wurden. Ergebnissen 1 - 16 von 76 Seite 233: called an analysis of simple slopes or a spotlight are probed using simple slopes analysis (Aiken & West, 1991.
Korrelationsforschung und korrelative Designs
Hallo alle zusammen, ich habe mal wieder ein Verstandnisproblem. Also, ich habe eine moderierte hierarchische Regression mittels SPSS. Regressionen auflosen: Simple Slopes. Man mochte die for an indirect effect. A direct test is the Sobel-test which tests, whether a*b differs from zero. X. Y. c. Y.
Interactions between environment and health cognitions
It depends: Perfectionism as a moderator of experimentally induced. Pugh_Groth_Hennig-Thurau_JAP_2010-willing-and-able. 8 Nov 2010 test hypotheses about its role in emotional labor processes. Cognitive. were supported. We also ran simple slopes analyses, testing whether.

Abstract, PDF, 75.62 KB.
Traditional analyses in psycholinguistics out your own, simple mixed-effect analyses. After determining whether random slopes need to be included for. For the endocrine stress response, the analyses revealed only a main effect of situ-. The results of the simple slope analysis for this interaction are shown in. Simple slopes analysis revealed that the effect of civic participation is more pronounced for people who perceive themselves as unhealthy (b = -17,17, t = - 6.49.